International Earthlight Alliance


Ionized fractal gas concentration
Ionized gas concentration triggered by a self-restricted rotating electrical field
Ionized Vorton-driven gas concentration
Ionized gas concentration triggered by a fast-pulsating EM-field
Atmospheric electricity
Tectonic stresses or seismic phenomena
Gamma rays from radioactivity
Solar activity
Cosmic magnetic monopoles
Cosmic mini-black holes
Cosmic anti-matter
Cosmic Bayonic matter

In this web site we have used the term “Earthlight.” However, in the text below, Earthlights are referred to as “the Hessdalen Phenomenon” or “Luminous Plasmoid (LP).” These lights are one and the same. A Luminous Plasmoid is physically described as plasma at high pressure which normally has a very short relaxation time. Its life-time may be only a few seconds and perhaps up to a minute, if an external source does not energize it in a continuous way.

This standard description does not fit what is actually observed at Hessdalen and other Earthlight areas. Earthlights can last for hours. It is necessary to propose additional theories which can support observations of the duration and visual appearance of Luminous Plasmoids (Earthlights) in order to explain their probable internal mechanisms.

Teodorani has summarized some published theories which propose that Earthlights are concentrations of plasma which have an electrostatic and electromagnetic nature. It is hypothesized that a Luminous Plasmoid (Earthlight) might be formed when the atmosphere contains electric charges which are intersected by ionizing electromagnetic radiation. Both charges and EM radiation can be triggered or injected by means of various external causes and the resulting Luminous Plasmoid (Earthlight) results from an interaction of charged particles and electromagnetic waves.

Below are excerpts quoted from an Østfold College, Norway, report that summarizes some proposed hypotheses for possible mechanisms of Earthlights. Please note that some of the hypotheses are highly speculative. IEA does not necessarily support the validity of these hypotheses, but we present them as exploratory thoughts about Earthlight mechanisms. Obviously, many will not prove correct but they may serve a “brainstorming” function of stimulating ideas. Some hypotheses may actually act as “filters” to rule out possibilities that are highly improbable.

“Experimental Methods for studying the Hessdalen-Phenomenon in the light of the Proposed Theories: a comparative overview”, Erling Strand, and Massimo Teodorani,  Østfold College Report 1998:5. ISBN 82-7825-047-2

Note: The quotes below are directly from a section of the report written in English by an Italian author.

Intrinsic cause hypotheses:

Ionized fractal gas concentration.
The structure of a Luminous Plasmoid, assuming that the Luminous Plasmoid is triggered by external ionizing radiation, contains simultaneously the properties of a gas, a fluid and a solid. The solid (or semi-solid) is characterized by some aerogel-type substance with a fractal fiber-like structure which constitutes the nucleus of the object and which is characterized by a small superficial molecular substance through the propagation of thermal waves. Its structure and composition is able to increase the Luminous Plasmoid relaxation time. This model predicts a strict correlation between the diameter and the life-time of a Luminous Plasmoid.

Ionized gas concentration triggered by a self-restricted rotating electrical field.
The Luminous Plasmoid is an electrostatic concentration of ionized vapor with a spatially localized charge. This is the result of a radiation field that is self-restricted and whose intensity is gradually decreasing with distance from the nucleus. A formal treatment of this concept is rigorously described by the “characteristic solution” of the (Helmholtz) Equation which quantifies what happens when a rotating electrical field exists around the concentration.

Ionized Vorton-driven gas concentration
The core, and triggering cause of a Luminous Plasmoid is a coherent plasma composed of a large number of “vortons,” which are toroidal concentrations of electromagnetic charges rotating as flywheels in a dual symmetry. The formation of such vortons as rotating electromagnetic fields takes place through the mediation of “orphaned” magnetic fields associated with lightning discharge currents. The core of this kind of Luminous Plasmoid assures spatial coherence and long life-time of an ideal gas at thermal equilibrium. This process could well explain the long life-time occurrence encountered in the specific Hessdalen Phenomenon.

Ionized gas concentration triggered by a fast-pulsating EM-field
The luminosity in the Earthlight often last for hours. This is a situation in which the light phenomenon is characterized by a long relaxation-time. It is hypothesized that the energizing external process is not continuous, but that it occurs at very fast impulses. According to this model, in the intervals between two successive impulses, the Earthlight gets cold, and at the next impulse the Earthlight gets hot again, but not for sufficiently long time to arrive at an explosion. In this way, the Earthlight could survive for a long time.

Extrinsic cause hypotheses.

Atmospheric electricity
a) The atmospheric electricity, especially during storms, can determine the formation of Luminous Plasmoids, in particular, of Ball Lightning (BL). This phenomenon is particularly accentuated in conditions of high convectivity of the air in the atmospheric layers.

b) Atmospheric convection, local terrestrial magnetic field, together with Earth rotation could together generate an efficient “dynamo mechanism” capable of producing electrostatic charges in large quantities. A similar phenomenon is observed in a much more amplified form in the sun and the stars. In the context of this hypothesis the following mechanism could be depicted:
The air pressure coming from convection puts the atmospheric gas in an upward-downward motion combined possibly with turbulence-driven local gas rotation. It is suggested that, in particular circumstances, the convective pressure could influence the local magnetic field lines, in some cases amplifying them and that the magnetic field lines could be used as a “wall” capable of confining and influencing in its turn further gaseous convective motions. The earth’s rotation could act as a mediator in this process and furnish, using Coriolis Force as an inertial force, a rotational symmetry to many cells of gas. The air molecular friction produced in the whole process could give rise to the formation of electrostatic charges which in their turn could be a trigger mechanism for heating the gaseous cells in the Luminous Plasmoids of BL kind.

c) Some witnesses associated the appearance of LPs with the occurrence of Acoustic Bangs. A bang, which can originate from various causes, such as the exceeding of the sonic wall (Mach number) by airplanes, missiles, meteors, objects on atmospheric reentry or others such as those originated from seismic shocks, can give rise to a transient, more or less strong modification of the convective regime of the local atmosphere. This eventually results in the compression of the local magnetic field, and, finally, to possible consequent trigger of electrostatic charges which could in their turn produce a Luminous Plasmoid.

Tectonic stresses or seismic phenomena
A sophisticated theory together with approximate local measurements assert that rocks, under particular conditions of flexure, are capable of producing both charged particles (via the “piezo-electric” effect) and electromagnetic waves. From the interaction of wave-particles a Luminous Plasmoid can arise. In particular, high frequency waves heat and ionize the surrounding air while low frequency waves (in particular microwaves) condense into the formation of plasma. Moreover, the phenomenon is favored by conditions of high humidity of the rock which can amplify the formation of charged particles.

The luminous plasma which can be formed, according to calculations executed using non-linear fluid dynamics, rotates to vortex. The rotation motion is caused by the microproperties of molecules and atoms. When the convective motion of a cluster of such molecules, as in the case of convective atmospheric gas, is taken into account, one has a resultant motion of spiral or elliptical type as a sum of the singular rotary motion and the collective convective motion. The result of this process is that a newly formed Luminous Plasmoid can move in a spiral fashion and leave spiral traces (as proven in laboratory experiments) on the ground.

Gamma rays from radioactivity
It is well known that gamma rays which are emitted from radioactive substances under or over the ground can be one of the primary causes of atmospheric ionization and consequently a possible indirect cause of formation of Luminous Plasmoids. These substances are almost always of natural origin. Some places can exhibit a higher, or much higher radioactivity-driven gamma-ray emission than other averagely radioactive places and maximum radioactivity emission can be circumscribed with very small area as small as 100 m2. The radioactive contaminating substance can be also man-made, as in the case of malfunctioning medical cobalt-therapy devices, nuclear facilities, or even containers of radioactive residuals (coming from nuclear central processes) which may have broken.

Solar activity
Previous statistical work asserts that some correlation (correlation coefficient=0.56) is found between the occurrence of Luminous Plasmoid phenomena and solar activity. The theory which is proposed to interpret this statistic asserts that a high concentration of solar particles, whose production is enhanced during the maximum phases of solar activity, can determine the beginning of weak nuclear reactions in the stratosphere and the consequent heating of the air up to plasma conditions.

The atmosphere itself can act as a lens by focusing the corpuscular radiation of solar origin. This is the driving mechanism which can give rise to the formation of Luminous Plasmoid events. Moreover, small random displacements and deformations of the atmospheric layers can determine a translation of the position of the focus, giving to the observers the illusion of fast intrinsic movements of the luminous plasmoids.

Cosmic magnetic monopoles
The possibility of the existence of magnetic monopoles has been demonstrated by sound and mathematical models It is assumed here that magnetic monopoles are injected into the Earth’s atmosphere as an additional component of cosmic rays. So far none of these particles has been observed in our atmosphere. Moreover, this possible cause of the formation of Luminous Plasmoids can be strictly connected with the “vorton” theory.

A magnetic monopole consists of a quark-type particle with a very high concentration of magnetic charge. It can be said that a magnetic monopole could be a very efficient centrally-located confining mechanism of atmospheric ionized plasma and could explain the reason of the typical ball-shape Luminous Plasmoid of BL kind. In this case it could be argued that a Luminous Plasmoid is a structure in magneto-static equilibrium where the force-balance is given, on one side, by the high temperature and pressure of the hot surrounding plasma and, on the other side, by the central magnetic force in the center of the Luminous Plasmoid, where the center of Luminous Plasmoid could be also formed by a cluster of monopoles. Such an overall configuration could even explain the long duration of the Earthlight.

Cosmic mini-black holes
Some physical cosmological models predict the existence of micro (atomic dimension) and mini (few mm up to cm dimensions) black holes which may have been created in the first instants after the Big Bang. Mini black holes could have been created also by some more recent processes in the astrophysical environment. These objects could have been spread all over the universe and could give a significant contribution to the “dark matter” able to gravitationally stabilize a galaxy (including our one). There is a strict, theoretically calculated correlation between the dimensions (diameter) and the life-time of such objects. For this reason the smallest ones should have a very short life-time, possibly because of quantum evaporation. The larger ones could have survived and be present also inside our solar system and could have grown in mass and diameter after “eating” much interstellar gas or nucleonic dark-matter (see 2.9). Their interaction with our atmosphere could come by means of different transportation vehicles. A cosmic ray component (only in the case of micro-black holes formed very recently) and a meteor-comet component (used in this case as a trapping device for mini-black holes).

Once inside our atmosphere mini-black holes (or less probable, micro-black holes) could encounter a great storage of “eatable” gas (gas accretion). For every single black hole, the result would be a surrounding ball of heated gas because of the thermal energy liberated by the gravitational collapse of this gas inside the black hole potential well. In this case one has a structure in hydro-gravito-static equilibrium, very similar in principle to a star, capable of emitting much light and to live as a Luminous Plasmoid for a long time. The shape of the gravitationally trapped heated gas could be also disc-shaped in the case where the black hole is rotating. According to some proposed models a magnetic field could also be present.

How do we connect this theory to the Earthlight? The causes triggering the Earthlight could be exactly the same as the ones which are suspected to trigger Luminous Plasmoid events after fall-outs of cosmic rays, magnetic monopoles, baryonic matter, anti-matter and meteors: a distorted or perforated geophysical magnetic field and/or a low local atmospheric thickness. Periodicity (maxima and minima) of the Earthlight could depend on yearly variation of the configuration of the local magnetic field and/or the local atmospheric thickness.

Cosmic anti-matter
Theoretical models and particle-physics’ superprotosynchroton accelerators have ascertained the existence of anti-matter. Such a substance, composed of anti-protons and positrons have a very short life-time as the collision with normal matter, composed of protons and electrons, gives rise to annihilation of the particles with the liberation of a great quantity of energy.

Anti-matter events could come spontaneously only from space, in the form of a cosmic-ray component, or possibly in the form of small meteors. Assuming that cosmic rays are largely the most common vehicle of anti-matter, such occurrences would cause annihilation when these cosmic anti-matter particles contact normal matter of which our atmosphere is constituted. If such objects could survive up to the lower atmosphere a strong localized transient ionization process could result in the form of explosions of energy. The consequence of this happening could lead to high increase in the frequency of luminous plasmoids. If the stratospheric layer over an Earthlight active area is very thin, the probability that some anti-matter survives up to the lower atmosphere before being subject to collision with normal matter, could increase consistently.

Cosmic Bayonic matter
A discovery from extragalactic astrophysics has demonstrated that every galaxy is filled with dark matter, which is composed of non-radiating free protons and/or anti-protons and neutrons. This discovery is based on two observational facts:

1) Every galaxy is emitting much less light than it is expected from its calculated mass (via Virial Theorem and/or Rotation Curve),

2) Some dark objects, called Macho, have been observed (1993) while they are exerting a gravitational-lens effect on the light of some celestial objects.

Such dark matter, also called Baryonic Matter because it is composed of heavy nuclei, can be everywhere, also inside our solar system. If some concentration of this matter is encountered by the Earth’s orbit and/or by the Sun’s circumgalactic motion, it can be captured in the same way as a meteor or a comet.

This matter is composed of nucleons and anti-nucleons which cannot be annihilated in space because of the very low spatial density of such particles. When a cluster of such heavy particles encounter Earth, anti-nucleons annihilate with nucleonic counterpart in our atmosphere may give rise to possible micro-explosions, while nucleons collide with the nucleons of our atmosphere may give rise to atmospheric molecular dissociation, atomic ionization and possibly to the creation of quarks.

The interaction of cosmic nucleons with atmospheric matter-particles is of interest in this context. The formation of luminescence in the atmosphere is expected and possible auroral-type lights could be turned on. Auroral lights are a characteristic of northern regions and are strictly connected to particle-injections from the sun. Two points of importance here could be:

1) If the stratospheric layer over an active Earthlight is abnormally thin, in order that the nucleon-driven ionization process occurs in the lower atmosphere, giving rise to an almost local ionization process which could cause a strong frequency of LPs,

2) The local magnetic field lines are distorted or perforated, in order that cosmic nucleons cause a direct fall of particles into the very low atmosphere (by means of a “cascade process”) or onto the ground by causing an extra-ionization process which could cause a strong frequency of LPs.

Page by Erling P. Strand 2/13/04





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