
Aboriginal legends worldwide describe lights that mysteriously appear
over the ground. The ancients explained the lights in the only terms
they knew, superstitious, religious, and supernatural descriptions.
Reports of lights go back hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Descriptions of encounters
with lights may even exist in the Bible.
Although today’s anomaly may be tomorrow’s technology, modern day
science has ignored this fascinating phenomenon for several reasons--
mainly because there is great confusion over the facts about, and
observations of, Earthlights. Very little genuine scientific effort has
been made to attempt to understand the phenomenon because of the lack of
physical data and objective facts about Earthlights, and the
superstitious and even supernatural ways in which eyewitnesses have
described their remarkable encounters. It has only been in the last few
decades that a few pioneering scientists and engineers armed with 35mm
cameras, high speed film, and video cameras have been able to capture
Earthlight images. A few scientists and engineers such as
Erling Strand,
Marsha Adams,
David Akers, have recorded physical data such
as magnetic and electromagnetic readings during documented Earthlight
appearances, validating their physical existence.
In addition to the aura of folklore that surrounds Earthlights, there
have been several other impediments that have discouraged serious
researchers. One such impediment to scientific exploration of
Earthlights is, leading edge and pioneering topics seem irresistible to
who gain notoriety by expressing negative points of view via mass media.
Another impediment to Earthlight research is that even good scientists
are tempted to mistakenly accept a plausible explanation as the only
cause of Earthlights. They assume that the plausible explanation applies
to all observations explaining every case of the phenomenon.
Several theories (link to theories) have
been offered to explain Earthlights that may correctly describe some of
the observations; swamp gas, nighttime mirages, car headlights, stars,
and reflections have all been offered as explanations. Accepting an
actual or plausible explanation as the only explanation may be
misleading however. Lights observed at sites where Earthlights occur,
such as Marfa, Texas, always arise from a variety of natural and manmade
causes, and hence have multiple explanations.(link
to Marfa Texas Earthlights) Multiple causes of lights in an area,
demonstrates the need for careful discrimination when observing and
analyzing Earthlight data.
It is IEA’s experience that light observations have been recorded that
cannot be accounted for by any of the proposed explanations. The
unaccountable lights are the ones of interest to the International
Earthlight Alliance. Our task is to discriminate between artifact
lights, manmade or natural, then thoroughly research these remaining
unexplained lights.
Page by Marsha Hancock Adams 2/15/2004
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